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My name is Bernadette Yarra Aditya, you can call me Yarra. I was born in Bandung, Indonesia.

The journey of my musical world was started in my youth. I did not take any music lesson when I was kid like almost all my musician friends, but instead I was influenced by my brother. He is 10 years older than me, and also my guitar hero. Metal bands such as Iron Maiden, Metallica, Anthrax, Sepultura and so on, are his favorites. Hence I grew up overhearing those bands every day in my brother's bedroom.

My first music instrument was electone. In the 90s, electone was popular in Bandung. I was 14 years old at that time, and learned from my classmate, (Yuke) she was good in playing it. Electone is similar to organ, or orgel. Then I continued to take it seriously by joining Yamaha Music School for 4 years. Three months later, my junior high school hired me as their keyboardist/electone player, and that is where I started my musical journey, plus forming my own bands with my school mates both in junior and senior high school as a keyboardist. I started to learn piano when I was 17 years old by the way

After I graduated from my college (I didn't major in music), I started to learn traditional jazz-piano, and continued to play with tons of band in different genres. In 2013, I sold my digital piano and bought a cello and started to learn it. Other instruments I like - even not as good in playing them; are the bamboo flute (Sundanese flute), and acoustic guitar.

There are a lot of genres had been influencing me. The first one is metal for sure, jazz, pop, classical, RnB, soul, and hip hop. So my musical journey is basically about endless learning, and I believe late is better than never. 

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